Wider ACC inquiry needed

Labour Party

Tuesday 12 June 2012, 12:32PM

By Labour Party


The Minister of ACC must look at a wider review of the organisation to fix long-standing problems and reassure the public, says Labour’s spokesperson for ACC Andrew Little.

His comments follow new revelations in the Bronwyn Pullar case, as discussed on the current affairs programme 60 Minutes, last night.

“The programme revealed that it was ACC managers who raised the issue as to whether the personal details of 6500 ACC claimants, mistakenly sent to Ms Pullar, might be used improperly by her. They sought assurances from Ms Pullar that this would not happen.

“In their report to the Minister of ACC on 16 March, ACC officials said Ms Pullar threatened to disclose the information and prompted the Corporation to refer the matter to the Police.

“The TV programme also showed the difficulties that Ms Pullar has been dealing with in ACC with a medical officer expressing highly prejudicial non-medical views about Bronwyn Pullar’s claim.

“There is enough in the public arena now for the Minister of ACC, Judith Collins, to take action to fix the problems in ACC,” Andrew Little said.

“We know from the swift dismissal by the Police last week of ACC’s complaint, that no threat or extortion took place. Yet the Minister was advised differently.

“The report from ACC to the Minister was clearly wrong and it isn’t credible for ACC’s Chairman and CEO to say otherwise. The Minister has to take action so we can be assured she values accurate advice from the Corporation.

“Judith Collins must consider holding a wider review of the way ACC handles difficult cases.

“I know from the letters and files I am receiving, that Bronwyn Pullar’s case is far from isolated, and many people are having trouble getting the attention they need free from prejudice and the penny-pinching culture of ACC,” Andrew Little said.