ACC Minister should be relieved of duties

Labour Party

Wednesday 13 June 2012, 2:38PM

By Labour Party


The Prime Minister should relieve Judith Collins of the ACC portfolio and appoint a Minister who is capable of dedicating themselves fully to the job, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.

“ACC is in the deepest crisis it has faced since it was created 38 years ago. The board and senior management are dysfunctional and that is filtering through to have a detrimental effect on the millions of Kiwis who make claims every year.

“Judith Collins is too bogged down with privacy complaints and with pursuing litigation against Opposition MPs. She’s not focused on the job. She’s essentially snookered herself and is using these issues as a reason for avoiding answering questions about the dire state of ACC.

“This is not in the best interests of New Zealanders who deserve to have a fully-functioning accident insurance system and a Minister who is capable of providing the strong leadership needed.

“It’s time for John Key to step in and sort the mess out. He should remove Judith Collins from the portfolio and appoint a Minister who can focus their full attention on turning ACC around,” said Andrew Little.