Smoother job placement for graduate nurses

Tony Ryall

Thursday 14 June 2012, 2:06PM

By Tony Ryall


The 1200 trainee nurses graduating this year will benefit from a simplified application process for new graduate nursing positions at district health boards (DHBs) from August this year, says Health Minister Tony Ryall.

The ACE (Advanced Choice of Employment) online recruitment tool, matches the work preferences of graduating nurses with those of the employing DHBs. It makes the process much simpler for graduating nurses and also reduces the time DHBs spend reviewing applications.

“Previously nursing graduates sent off multiple job applications meaning several DHBs were processing an application for the same graduate and in some cases multiple DHBs offered them a position,” said Mr Ryall.

“This old process resulted in some graduates accepting a position at a DHB that was not their first choice because they didn’t want to miss out. On the other hand some graduates accepted positions only to pull out last minute because they were subsequently offered a job from their preferred DHB.

“Nurse graduates will now submit one application online which can go to a few DHBs which they will rank in order of preference. The DHBs receive the applications and rank the graduates in order of preference. The tool then matches the graduates and the DHBs preferences.

“Around 85 per cent of nursing graduates are offered a position in a hospital, mental health, aged care or community health service. Those graduates who aren’t selected will return to the talent pool of candidates.

“The tool will also help us gain a national picture of graduate numbers by providing better information about our graduates and where they find work. This is important information for improving workforce planning, and matching supply and demand.

The ACE recruitment tool, in place for graduating doctors since 2003, has been specially modified for graduating nurses. Health Workforce New Zealand has funded the modification of the tool and DHBs are working together to introduce and support the use of the tool nationally.