Bradford disappointed at Key’s U-turn on S59 talks

Infonews Editor

Thursday 19 April 2007, 7:14PM

By Infonews Editor



Green Party MP Sue Bradford expressed disappointment that National Party leader John Key may have effectively torpedoed the proposed talks on S59 by insisting that she must agree beforehand to change her Bill to reflect his point of view.

“Earlier this morning Mr Key agreed to meet with me next week, stated no pre-conditions and suggested a series of possible times and dates. I assumed that only the details of when and where needed to be arranged. I now find that unless I agree to change my Bill in the way that he wants even before the talks begin, he seems no longer willing to meet with me,” Ms Bradford says.

"The conciliatory talk of compromise and mutual agreement now looks more like a demand for surrender. Ironically, the position that Mr Key now demands that I concede is the very same one contained in the Chester Borrows amendment, which Mr Key himself stated in his Tuesday speech was likely to be voted down in Parliament.

“Mr Key simply cannot make unilateral demands to have the Borrows position adopted by me, regardless – and certainly not if he wishes to be seen as a moderate, bridge building politician. I am still sincerely willing to talk to him, to visit his caucus and to arrange for him to talk to the NGO experts in the field.

“The best way of finding a fresh approach the issues contained in the Bill is to talk, without pre-conditions.

“New Zealand parents can be re-assured. The select committee and I have worked long and hard to ensure that s59 will not criminalise good parents. That remains the case, before and after Mr Key’s entry into this debate.”