ACC rehabilitation plan announced

Green Party

Monday 18 June 2012, 12:38PM

By Green Party


The Green Party has developed a rehabilitation plan to bring ACC back on track, Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague said today.

The step-by-step plan released today sets out the key action points that will bring about the culture change required at ACC. It includes reviewing the legislation and recent activities of ACC, but would also put in some systemic changes such as further security on sensitive claims information, retraining of front line staff, and bringing medical information back to a high level of priority in decision making.

"ACC needs to return to its original purpose: to provide a world class public service and honour the social contract it was founded on," said Mr Hague.

"There are clear steps that need to be followed to get back on track; I've pulled together the key activities for the next 100 days.

"This rehabilitation plan prioritises the needs of the people making claims, as they should be at the heart of ACC's work.

"Ms Rebstock, or any other chair who is appointed, is welcome to follow my plan to shape her work for the next few months.

"This plan sets out how to shift from a profit driven insurance model back to one that provides the level of care that injured and vulnerable New Zealanders need and should expect from now on.

"ACC is a great institution that has a proud history and still has some very good people working in it. It has, however, been on the wrong path.

"The Minister for ACC needs to seize this opportunity to return ACC to its founding principles and a culture of excellent public service; ready to work for New Zealanders," said Mr Hague.

Additional information:

The Green Party ACC rehab plan