Tempting prize for brightest idea

Tuesday 19 June 2012, 1:33PM

By Hutt City Council



The environment needs all the help it can get – which is why Hutt City Council has put together a sizeable package to attract the cleverest “green” ideas in its inaugural Bright Sparks competition.

The council-sponsored competition is seeking environmentally sustainable ideas that will benefit the community. Bright Sparks organiser Geoff Stuart says judges will be looking for innovative proposals with the potential to have a real impact on the health of the local environment.

The best entry will win a prize tailored to help turn the idea into reality, but will include up to $2,500 in cash (donated by local law firm Thomas Dewar Sziranyi Letts), the services of up to 50 volunteers and design and prototype work provided by staff at the Weltec campus in Petone. The runner-up will receive $1,000.

Geoff says ideas could range from recycling waste and worm farms to sustainable transport and energy alternatives. He says another aim of Bright Sparks is to draw attention to the range of talented people living in the city and their efforts to improve the environment.

Bright Sparks is open to Hutt residents, businesses, schools and council employees. Submissions close on July 6. Rules and guidelines are now available.