Time for Dunne to do what he promised

Labour Party

Wednesday 20 June 2012, 1:01PM

By Labour Party


Labour is calling on United Future Leader Peter Dunne to honour his election campaign commitment and vote against privatising our water resources, says Labour SOEs spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.

“On at least three occasions before the election Peter Dunne promised United Future would never be a part of selling Kiwibank, Radio New Zealand or our water resources,” Clayton Cosgrove said.

“Clearly Genesis Power, Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power and Solid Energy New Zealand hold significant interests in water resources, and if Mr Dunne stays true to his hand-on-heart promise to voters, he will support Labour’s amendment to the Mixed Ownership Model Bill that prohibits the sale of such companies.

“Before the election, Mr Dunne told the Dominion Post: ‘We would never support the sale of Kiwibank, Radio New Zealand or control of water assets’. He told the Television New Zealand Leaders Debate: ‘…provided we never move to sell Kiwibank, Radio NZ or our water resources …’.

“And his campaign brochure in Ōhariu said: ‘Kiwibank, Radio New Zealand and our water resources should never be privatised’.

“Well, today is the day when ‘never’ comes home to roost, and we see just how much a man of principle Peter Dunne is and how much his word is worth,” Clayton Cosgrove said.

“Of all the important amendments Labour is putting up to the Bill, the one on water resources is fundamental to the sort of New Zealand we want in the future.

“Mr Dunne told voters before the election that he too wanted a New Zealand that retained control over water resources.

“This is when we discover whether Peter Dunne can be trusted, and whether his promises are worth the election brochure paper they are printed on,” Clayton Cosgrove said.

“His vote is crucial to the coalition government. More importantly, however, it is crucial to New Zealand’s future.”