EPA rubber stamps dead duck motorway

Green Party

Friday 22 June 2012, 2:45PM

By Green Party


Today's Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) decision to rubber stamp the Transmission Gully motorway project is a poor decision that will see over a billion dollars of tax payers' money wasted, says the Green Party.

"This is an old, expensive motorway project that will cost the country one billion dollars for no economic benefit," said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.

"The Government's official benefit to cost ratio for Transmission Gully is less than one. That means for every dollar spent it delivers less than a dollar in benefits.

"Frittering away a billion dollars on a project with such a poor benefit to cost ratio is not smart economic management, especially in tight economic times.

"Transmission Gully is bad for commuters and bad for the environment. Expert modelling has shown it will undermine commuter rail, increase overall traffic in Wellington City and increase greenhouse gas emissions.

"Transmission Gully will not be good for local commuters because it will not solve their transport challenges. Official estimates say at best it will cut ten minutes off journeys to Wellington.

"The Green Party supports smarter, more cost effective alternatives that will help more people and freight move around the Wellington region.

"A 21st century bus and train system will move people faster and be better for the environment. It will also create more jobs and lasting infrastructure.

"In addition, safer walking and cycling, and targeted safety improvements to the existing road for freight will help everyone, including those who still drive."