Tragic case of Joanne shows there's a clear gap in our system

Monday 25 June 2012, 1:35PM

By Labour Party


The case of Joanne, discussed on Marae Investigates today, is an absolute tragedy and should never have happened, says Labour’s Social Development and Children’s spokesperson Jacinda Ardern.

“When events like this happen, they are almost too overwhelming to understand, but we still need to try to ensure they can’t happen again,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“Joanne’s case demonstrates a clear gap in our system.

“The well-being of children and young people should sit at the heart of our CYFS legislation, policy and practice, regardless of whether they are in the youth justice system, or under care and protection.

“The recently-completed Social Services Select Committee review into child offenders also highlighted gaps in the way our children are treated via CYFS and the family court, and a lack of accountability that can result.

“It’s Labour’s policy that we will review the CYFS legislation to make sure that it puts children at the heart of the law, and that it is operating the way it was intended,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“We must learn from cases like Joanne’s. If we don’t we are letting down her and those who love her.”