Desperate PM misleads public

Green Party

Monday 25 June 2012, 5:25PM

By Green Party


A desperate John Key, having lost the argument about asset sales, has resorted to attacking parliamentary support funding for a disabled MP in an attempt to distract the public from his failed asset sales policy, says the Green Party.

The Prime Minister this morning accused the Green Party of saying it did not have enough funds to cover the costs of Mojo Mathers' participation in Parliament, but could afford to pay a small number of collectors as part of a citizens initiated referendum campaign to stop unpopular asset sales.

"John Key is misleading New Zealanders," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

"We never said the Green Party didn't have enough money to fund Mojo's support, but that it was a question of principle that Parliament as a whole took responsibility to ensure all MPs, including those with disabilities, could participate fully.

"Moreover, if parties had to fund the additional cost of MPs with disabilities, it would act as a barrier to people with disabilities standing for Parliament.

"These arguments were publicly documented at the time. The PM is really scraping the bottom of the barrel in using disability funding to attack those trying to save the assets.

"It shows that John Key knows he has lost the public argument.

"The Green Party is legitimately using a small part of our funding to ensure New Zealanders get to voice their opposition in a referendum on the asset sales.

"The amount we are spending on collectors to keep our assets is tiny compared to the $120 million the Government is spending on merchant banks and PR companies to get rid of them.

"The Green Party is upfront about our spending, unlike the Government who refuses to tell us exactly how much they are paying Senate Communications for spin advice and focus groups, Clemenger for advertising, and Goldman Sachs for investment banking as part of the privatisation process.

"The Green Party is proud to stand alongside the majority of New Zealanders in campaigning to stop the unpopular asset sales.

"John Key's attacks on those who want to protect our assets and our economic future should be seen for what they are - desperate."