Investigation an ominous sign for heritage sites

Labour Party

Tuesday 26 June 2012, 11:56AM

By Labour Party


World heritage sites should be out of bounds for mining and drilling, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.

“The National Government’s move to investigate mineral wealth in world heritage sites on the West Coast is being promoted as harmless information gathering – but the reality is that investigation leads to excavation.

“Labour is not opposed to mining, but we stand firm in our view that world heritage sites should be treated in the same way as Schedule 4 land in national parks,” Ruth Dyson said.

“The surveying, of itself, will do no harm.  But there is only one reason for this investigation and that is the future potential for exploration.

Reports suggest aeromagnetic surveying will be conducted in the South Island from Haast to Karamea, as well as sections of Te Waipounamu South West New Zealand world heritage area.

“Almost forty thousand people marched down Queen Street in Auckland with the message that these parts of our country are too precious to mine. The Government must listen.

“This isn’t about Labour opposing economic growth; this is about Labour opposing senseless, short-sighted excavation of our heritage areas.

“Nothing is sacred under this government. Using the façade of economic growth for projects like this is a feeble excuse from a government that has no plan and no vision.

“Selling our assets and allowing mineral exploration in our national parks and heritage sites shows National has scant regard for public opinion and for future generations.

“The Minister of Conservation, Kate Wilkinson, needs to take a stand on protecting these areas.  She should not stand back and let her National Party colleagues ride rough-shod over her portfolio again,” Ruth Dyson said.