Top ten targets National isn't setting

Labour Party

Tuesday 26 June 2012, 11:58AM

By Labour Party


No ideas for improving the economy have been included in the Government’s release of so-called ambitious targets today, despite ballooning debt, declining exports and slow job growth, says Labour’s Finance Spokesperson David Parker.

“This is just the latest laundry list of vague ideas with no meaningful milestones or policies to achieve real outcomes. It is simply a stunt designed to take the attention off the unpopular asset sales plan and the Government’s botched attempt to increase class sizes.

“This list exposes National for once again tinkering around the edges instead of making the tough decisions needed to create a long-term, prosperous future for New Zealand.

“While the Government is wishing for rainbows at the end of every street, it has little credibility when it is not dealing with the big issues we are facing as a country.

Here is an example of 10 key issues that National is not addressing:

  • Job creation
  • Economic growth
  • Reducing overseas debt

  • Securing superannuation for the future
  • Reforming our tax system

  • Investing in research and development
  • Supporting our exporters

  • Cleaning up the environment
  • Being tougher on foreign ownership of our land

  • Giving Kiwis a reason to stay in New Zealand



“National’s targets show it has no new ideas for changing the economy. It is doing nothing to address the fact that Kiwis are working harder than ever but not getting ahead. It also won’t stem the flow of New Zealanders heading across the Tasman looking for a better life.

“National claims to be aspirational but it has failed to deliver the brighter future it has promised,” said David Parker.