Small ‘gender gap’ celebrated

Business NZ

Friday 9 November 2007, 11:27AM

By Business NZ


New Zealand’s ‘gender gap’ is one of the smallest in the world, according to a World Economic Forum survey.

The Global Gender Gap Report ranks New Zealand fifth in the world, surpassed only by four Scandinavian countries.

The gap is calculated from economic data collected from 128 countries covering economic, educational, political and health statistics.

Business NZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly hailed the report as an endorsement of New Zealand business and the New Zealand way of life.

“It is good news in that it indicates the extent to which women are valued and their skills and contributions are employed in a wide range of endeavours in New Zealand.

“It does not mean that we can’t make improvements - for example the proportion of women on boards in the private sector is still too low - but it does indicate that we are on the right track.

“It also indicates that some of the more extreme interventions that are sometimes suggested – for example bureaucratic pay equity regulations – are not appropriate for New Zealand.

“As Kiwis we should celebrate our fifth placing, and in our work and everyday lives aim towards an even better placing next year.”