Does National think wage gap with Australia has closed enough?

Labour Party

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 12:10PM

By Labour Party


The wage gap with Australia is yawning, but the Government insists its target for closing the gap has been met, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.

David Parker says the National Government has no vision for improving the economy and it has given up.

“The Minister of Finance has no targets for reducing overseas debt, increasing wage growth or making superannuation more sustainable.

“Wages in New Zealand are stalled. The wage gap with Australia is growing. Exports are falling. Overseas debt is high, and our net international liabilities are among the highest in the world. But National doesn’t even have targets to fix those problems, let alone any idea how to go about it.

“National’s targets are empty. If their target for closing the wage gap has been met to their satisfaction, then the target must be empty,” David Parker said.

“When they have targets for welfare, but no target for making superannuation more sustainable, then their targets are empty.

“National’s targets are designed to be met in 2017 - three years after they leave office at the next election,” David Parker said.