Public drop-in sessions to help plan the rebuild of New Brighton Centre

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 5:44PM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Council is set to launch workshops and public drop-in sessions for New Brighton Centre as part of their Suburban Centres Programme.

A master plan will be developed for New Brighton Centre with input from community leaders, building and business owners, government agencies, other stakeholders and interest groups and local residents.

Programme Manager District Planning Brigitte de Ronde says the workshops and public drop-in sessions give residents an opportunity to come together to identify issues and concerns; and discuss their ideas for the recovery of their quake-damaged shopping centre. The red zone land decisions reduce the residential catchment for New Brighton Centre so the master plan will provide an important framework to support the centre’s long term viability.

“These sessions provide invaluable local information for the master planning process. We want to familiarise ourselves with the issues that have affected this centre and find out what kind of environments people want.

“People are encouraged to drop in, anytime, and share their ideas. Council staff will be on hand to answer questions,” she says.

Mayor Bob Parker says this is the Council’s eighth master planning project in the Suburban Centres Programme and is very much anticipated by the people of New Brighton.

“New Brighton Centre’s re-establishment as the heart of the community has huge potential. The conversations and discussions people have at these sessions provide the raw material needed for people to work together to build a picture of the future of this centre,” he says.

New Brighton Centre public drop-in sessions

Monday 9 July
6.30pm to 8pm


Wednesday 11 July
1.30pm to 3pm
Burwood-Pegasus Community Boardroom, corner Beresford Street and Union Street, New Brighton.