Government extends primary sector recovery help
Farmers and growers impacted by a biosecurity incursion may be eligible for recovery assistance under a new Biosecurity Recovery Framework, Primary Industries Minister David Carter announced today.
The new framework will sit alongside existing support measures provided to farmers and growers affected by significant climatic events, such as droughts and floods.
“The Government recognises that biosecurity incursions can have economic, environmental and social impacts that can hit production businesses hard and take time to recover from,” said Mr Carter.
“This is why we have announced a new Primary Sector Recovery Policy which will incorporate a biosecurity support framework as well as the existing Adverse Events Recovery Framework.
“The range of relief measures offered when a drought is declared or a significant storm event strikes are well understood and trusted by rural groups. There is a well-tested framework in place, and the same approach would now apply to a biosecurity incursion.
“The new framework will make recovery measures available to people seriously impacted by a disease or pest incursion. It will include most of the measures available under the existing adverse events framework.
“Three categories of incursion would apply – localised, medium-scale and large-scale – and to be eligible for assistance, those affected would need to show they have taken all reasonable steps to mitigate and manage biosecurity risks,” Mr Carter said.
The Primary Sector Recovery Policy covers production businesses within the agriculture, horticulture, forestry and aquaculture sectors.
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