Parliament supports Arms Trade Treaty

Labour Party

Thursday 28 June 2012, 1:58PM

By Labour Party


A motion passed by all parties in Parliament today will ensure that New Zealand's commitment to the negotiation of a comprehensive and robust Arms Trade Treaty is strong and forceful, says Labour’s Disarmament and Arms Control spokesperson Maryan Street.

"Next month, United Nations negotiations will commence with a view to establishing an international treaty which bans the illicit trade of arms," she said.

"We know that the global arms trade contributes to unlawful armed violence and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

“Weapons are traded, without any compunction, into areas of the world where there is conflict. What was a problem becomes armed conflict and then civil war. Men, women and children are subjected to unspeakable violence and the weapons provided to the perpetrators are part of a global arms trade.

"In the last year Russia earned $1.75 billion from exporting arms to Syria. We know what is happening there to civilians and to those who simply seek change.

"New Zealand has a good reputation in the area of disarmament and the unanimous position of our Parliament should give strength to those who are going to negotiate on our behalf, so that they can lead the discussions and get the optimum outcome," said Maryan Street.

Text of motion follows:

‘That this House:

  • note that the global illicit trade in arms contributes to unlawful armed violence, violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and hampers socio-economic development;
  • recognise the need for those consequences to be addressed by a legally binding United Nations Arms Trade Treaty with robust and comprehensive scope, criteria and implementation provisions; and
  • reaffirm the commitment of New Zealand to the negotiation of such a treaty in July this year.’