Better safe than sorry for Maui's Dolphins

Labour Party

Thursday 28 June 2012, 6:15PM

By Labour Party


Ministers Kate Wilkinson and David Carter have missed what could be the last chance to save Maui's dolphin.

“Our international reputation for being clean and green will be in shreds,” Ruth Dyson said.

“The failure of the National Government to take comprehensive action to protect the Maui’s Dolphin has not only put the extinction of this sub-species on the agenda but has made an international boycott of New Zealand fish a real possibility.

“There are just 55 Maui’s dolphins left.  Its survival is our responsibility.  Its extinction would be our failure.

“The Government has refused to adopt an evidence-based precautionary approach.

“They have refused to follow the international best practice of a precautionary approach, despite the Maui's dolphin having fewer than 55 dolphins left - in total Instead, they have bowed to the fishing industry, ignored independent advice and evidence, and taken an approach that has a high risk of failure.

“Now there is a real risk of the growing call for a boycott of NZ fish becoming a reality.

“We had a chance of a huge win for the Maui's dolphins, for the reputation of our fishing industry and to New Zealand's image.  Ministers Wilkinson and Carter have blown that chance. And have potentially blown the future of Maui's dolphins,” Ruth Dyson said.