Progress report for 2009 review of crime and criminal justice statistics: June 2012

Statistics New Zealand

Friday 29 June 2012, 5:45PM

By Statistics New Zealand


To implement the 49 recommendations of the review of crime and criminal justice statistics, the Crime Statistics Implementation Group has been established. One of the key outputs of this group is to produce an annual report to the Government Statistician and justice-sector chief executives.

This third annual progress report reviews progress over the past year, including developments in the high-priority areas outlined in last year's report. Required activities for the next twelve months are also outlined. Overall progress since the review began is included in the appendix.

The Crime Statistics Implementation Group is chaired by Statistics NZ, and has membership from key justice sector agencies (New Zealand Police, the Ministry of Justice, the Department of Corrections, and the Ministry of Social Development).

Published in July 2011
ISBN 978-0-478-37774-3

See also

The Review of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics Report 2009 followed the Review of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics: Consultation Paper to highlight crime and justice statistical needs in New Zealand. Submissions for the consultation paper were received in July and August 2008.
There have been two previous annual reports published so far:

Available files
Progress report for 2009 review of crime and criminal justice statistics: June 2012
   (PDF, 20 pages, 314kb)