Proposed updates to vehicle emissions Rule released for consultation

Friday 29 June 2012, 5:53PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is inviting comment on proposed amendments to the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Exhaust Emissions 2007.

Celia Patrick, the NZTA’s group manager Access and Use, said the proposed amendments outlined in a consultation draft released today cover both new and used vehicles.

"Emissions standards for new light vehicles are proposed to be updated in line with revised standards that are being introduced in Australia."

"The proposals for used imported vehicles aim to ensure existing standards continue until they’re reviewed in 2014. The review will investigate the need for any further changes or updates," said Ms Patrick.

Due to the relatively small size of our vehicle market, New Zealand is considered by vehicle manufacturers as a branch of the Australian market and therefore uses the same standards for many aspects of vehicle construction and use. It is therefore important to keep up to date with standards introduced into Australia in order to maintain our vehicle 'buying power'.

The draft includes proposals to update the acceptable standards for the small number of new vehicles that are declared to Japanese and US standards.

The consultation draft also proposes other minor technical updates to the Rule, including:

  • updating emissions standards tables to reflect the European Union’s use of Roman numerals to number their standards for heavy vehicles.
  • changing the current exception for vehicles manufactured before 1 January 1990 so that it would apply to vehicles that are manufactured or first registered outside New Zealand 20 years or more before they enter service in New Zealand; this change will make the Rule consistent with other land transport Rules, eg the Frontal Impact Rule.
  • clarifying the means by which  vehicles may be assessed as complying with an approved emissions standard.


The consultation documents can be downloaded from the NZTA’s website at:

Submissions must be received by the NZTA by 5pm on 10 August 2012. Proposals described in the consultation draft are due to come into force on 1 January 2013.