Dunne's crocodile tears simply posturing

Labour Party

Monday 2 July 2012, 3:23PM

By Labour Party


Peter Dunne's criticism of the government’s decision to extend public frequency radio licenses to MediaWorks, at the same time as axing TVNZ7 ring hollow, says Labour’s Broadcasting spokesperson Clare Curran.

“Mr Dunne should have flexed his political muscles when he was in a position to save TVNZ7,” Clare Curran said.

It has been reported today that Mr Dunne is ‘upset’ TVNZ7 is now off air and that he believes the Government’s decision to renew a contract allowing MediaWorks to broadcast Kiwi FM on a public frequency is ‘inconsistent decision-making’.

“Peter Dunne’s comments are simply posturing. He has a vote that counts in this administration and at every opportunity has refused to use it,” Clare Curran said.

“You'd think that the great champion of public broadcasting would have made a bit more of an effort when he negotiated a support arrangement with the National Government late last year.

“He could have used his political leverage to protect public television broadcasting and could have done the same to prevent the sell-off of our assets, but he failed on both counts.

“Broadcasting Minister Craig Foss’s actions are inconsistent and show a serious lack of strategic planning. But at least he is upfront with his indifference.

“Dunne’s comments are hollow words from a hollow man.

“The past week provided the opportunity to influence change in the very areas he campaigned on most strongly. His hand in selling off our assets and shutting down TVNZ7 is what will shape his legacy,” Clare Curran said.