Welcome reprieve for pork industry

Labour Party

Monday 2 July 2012, 3:29PM

By Labour Party


News that interim High Court orders prohibiting the import and release of consumer ready cuts of fresh pork have been continued has been welcomed by Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor.

“I stand in support of New Zealand Pork’s bid to stop the changes to Import Health Standards that will increase the risk of Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) incursions.

“The proposed changes pose a major threat to New Zealand’s biosecurity and the pork industry.

“Pork producers are fighting tooth and nail to protect their pigs, and I think the National Government should sit up and take notice, rather than pandering to foreign trade interests,” said Damien O’Connor.

The continued High Court Orders will be in place until the Court of Appeal Hearing on the issue in November.