Environment disposable under National

Labour Party

Wednesday 4 July 2012, 5:40PM

By Labour Party


The National Government is trashing New Zealand’s clean, green image says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.

“John Key likes to talk about our clean, green brand when it suits him, but the actions of his government show he has no real understanding of its value and importance to our economy.

“At every turn National has failed to protect and ensure the sustainability of our environment.

“The Ministry for the Environment had a funding cut of $1.75 million. In Budget documents the Ministry spelt out the implications of National’s cost-cutting saying; ‘The [cost] pressures place a severe constraint on the Ministry in terms of its capacity to take on new areas of activity in the forecast period’.

“Earlier this week John Key once again failed to act on climate change. He has pulled back from fully implementing the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) by delaying the entry of agriculture until 2015, at the earliest. National is also continuing to subsidise big polluters in other industries, costing New Zealand in environmental and economic terms.

“Even after the grounding of the Rena, New Zealand’s worse environmental disaster, National’s handling was woefully inadequate. It waited five days before responding and has since failed to hold a commission of inquiry into the country’s worst maritime oil spill.

“It also beggars belief the Government has failed to pass international law changes that would implement international conventions that would have saved taxpayers millions of dollars in liabilities.

“National’s thinking on the environment is out of touch.

“What other explanation can there be for pitching policies to mine our most valuable conservation land, to cut support for renewable energy, and to invest in large motorway projects instead of public transport, and reject ideas for green growth?

“The Government has legislation before Parliament that fails to protect our marine environment. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Bill is hopelessly weak and does not meet New Zealanders’ expectations for strong environmental law.

“National seems to think environmental protection is the albatross around the neck of the economy. In fact, New Zealand’s pristine environment and clean, green brand is the core to our competitive advantage internationally,” Grant Robertson said.