Retirement village residents left out in the cold

Labour Party

Thursday 5 July 2012, 3:42PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s claim that it has consulted with key stakeholders over variations to the Retirement Village Code of Practice is up for debate after groups across the country deny being included, says Labour’s Building and Construction spokesperson Raymond Huo.

3,600 residents of retirement villages nationwide made a plea to the Minister in May last year to make a change to the Retirement Villages Code of Practice following the Christchurch earthquakes.

“The residents’ plea was to correct a ‘legal loophole’ which saw 200 quake affected elderly residents paid out significantly less than what their unit was worth. Residents across the country were concerned that they would too suffer the same fate in the event of another disaster.

“Initially progress was delayed by Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson in the name of consultation.

“But over a year later retirement residents are still waiting for action,” Raymond Huo said.

“In answer to a Parliamentary question the Minister has now stated that following the initial consultation and the analysis of submissions, he had decided to undertake further limited consultation with key stakeholders. Who those key stakeholders are remains a mystery, but it is apparent that they don’t include retirement village residents.

“These people are key stakeholders and they need the peace of mind that will come from knowing they won’t be left out in the cold as the victims of the Christchurch earthquake were.”