Resumption of whale hunt condemned

Labour Party

Thursday 5 July 2012, 5:41PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s call for South Korea to reconsider its proposal to commence a scientific whaling programme in the North West Pacific is the right one, says Labour’s Conservation spokesperson Ruth Dyson.

“The hunting of whales is no more ‘scientific’ than is any other blood sport. South Korea came under enormous international pressure when it began similar ‘research’ following 1986’s moratorium on commercial hunting and called a halt to it.

“It’s a pity, then, that it learned nothing from that.

“The global community has no taste for whale slaughter. And let’s not pussy-foot around – that is what this is,” Ruth Dyson said.

"While Murray McCully hasn’t always been so forth-coming in his support of other conservation issues, it is pleasing that in this particular case he has taken a strong, and prompt, stance.

“It is also great to hear that New Zealand’s opposition to South Korea’s proposal is being voiced strongly at the International Whaling Commission meeting. Our representatives should know that they have the backing of our Parliament and can feel mandated to express our concerns as forcefully as possible.

“This proposal would put South Korea in the tiny group of countries who defy the international moratorium, whether under the guise of "scientific" whaling or openly as commercial whaling,” Ruth Dyson said.