Bullying communities won't create jobs

Labour Party

Thursday 12 July 2012, 11:41AM

By Labour Party


National’s is offering New Zealanders nothing when it comes to creating jobs and lowering unemployment says Labour’s Employment spokesperson Su’a William Sio.

“With regional employment at a standstill, ‘Minister of everything’ Steven Joyce, this week resorted to blaming communities for the situation, attacking Northlanders for ‘bemoaning’ the lack of jobs in the region while at the same time opposing mining.

“If that is not an ultimatum I don’t know what is,” Su’a William Sio said.

“National cannot use unemployment as a bargaining chip to pursue its narrow agenda. This is another example of a trade-off from a government that has failed to grow the economy.

“New Zealander’s know that job creation is about more than a single industry in any region. The small number of jobs created by this Government has not made up for the jobs that have been lost,” Su’a William Sio said.

“National’s brighter future has not materialised. Since December 2008 the total Labour Force has grown by over 71,000 yet there are only 3,000 more people employed.

“Every day we are seeing real life examples of people losing their jobs and the competition is tough.  We already know that hundreds of people are applying for even the most basic positions.

“None of National’s six, eight or 120 point plans are creating jobs. Welfare reform isn't creating jobs. Cuts to public sector services isn’t creating jobs and bullying communities won’t create jobs.

“Today’s unemployed are real people, who need real solutions. That is the task before the ‘Super Minister’ and he must rise to the challenge,” Su’a William Sio said.