Condolences extended to Ngati Tuwharetoa

Labour Party

Thursday 12 July 2012, 3:17PM

By Labour Party


Labour is offering its sincere condolences to the family of Timoti Te Heuheu and also to the people of Ngati Tuwharetoa who have lost a well-known and popular leader, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“Timi was a colourful character who was much-loved by the community he lived in and the people whose lives he has touched over decades of service to New Zealand.

“He was a strong leader and often represented his older brother, the paramount chief of Tuwharetoa, Sir Tumu Te Heuheu.

“Timi was a political figurehead who engaged with both Labour and National-led Governments. He moved freely amongst many iwi and was a trusted friend to iwi leaders,” David Shearer said.

Labour’s spokesperson for Maori Affairs Parekura Horomia says Timi Te Heuheu represented Tuwharetoa interests passionately.

“Timi was a member of the iwi council of the Waikato District Health Board and a member of the iwi catchment committee Te Roopu Manukura for the University of Waikato.

“His unstinting loyalty and commitment to Maoridom as a whole was admired by many.  Having worked with him over several years I know Timi was trusted and respected, not just by Maori but by other New Zealanders as well.  He was simply a kanohi ki te kanohi person. He will be sadly missed.

“Our deepest sympathy goes to his wife Georgina Te Heuheu, his two sons Mananui and Tuirirangi, his mokopuna and his wider whanau,” Parekura Horomia said.