Two weeks left to sign Arms Trade Treaty

Labour Party

Wednesday 18 July 2012, 12:38PM

By Labour Party


President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Ross Robertson is calling on legislators around the world to sign up to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

“Only two weeks remain to sign this important declaration and join over 2,000 members of Parliament in 100 countries worldwide, in an effort to better regulate the global trade of conventional weapons.

“This milestone comes at exactly the half-way stage of the negotiations of the ATT in New York.  As PGA President I was pleased to participate in these negotiations with 20 other legislators from around the world and to present Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with the Global Parliamentary Declaration on the ATT,” Ross Robertson said.

“As Assistant Speaker of the New Zealand Parliament, which currently holds the Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, it is gratifying to see countries such as Samoa, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu and Palau participating in this important global initiative.

“Our region has not been a stranger to the tragic consequences of armed violence and all too easy access to small arms and light weapons.

“In signing this Declaration MPs are sending a strong signal of our commitment to a robust ATT.

“We are continuing to seek the support of legislators from other countries in view of the absolute importance of negotiating an ATT which is clear and robust,” Ross Robertson said.