Arms Trade Treaty relevant to Manukau residents

Labour Party

Wednesday 18 July 2012, 12:39PM

By Labour Party


At a first glance, the Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) might seem irrelevant to many New Zealanders, says Labour MP for Manukau East Ross Robertson.

“But some Manukau residents will understand the importance of progress in the regulation of the trade of conventional weapons,” Ross Robertson said.

“Earlier this month I presented the Global Parliamentary Declaration on behalf of an international audience to UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon, and I did so with the ethnic diversity of Manukau in mind,” Ross Robertson said.

“I was reminded of the traumatic experiences that a number of our new refugees and residents in Manukau have suffered through the illicit arms trade and felt empowered in knowing this treaty could make a difference.

Only two weeks remain for countries to sign on to this important declaration and join over 2,000 members of Parliament in 100 countries worldwide, in an effort to better regulate the global trade of conventional weapons.

“As I moved around the Otara Markets recently and explained the ATT, there was a great deal of support from local people who know that thousands of people are killed, injured, raped, and forced to flee from their homes as a result of the unregulated global arms trade.  They also know that some members of our migrant community are among those whose suffering has been caused by irresponsible transfers of conventional weapons and munitions.

“Our region, like so many others, is one that has, sadly, not been a stranger to the tragic consequences of armed violence and all too easy access to small arms and light weapons,” Ross Robertson said.