Land Information NZ to run interim process

Infonews Editor

Friday 20 April 2007, 11:47AM

By Infonews Editor


Land Information NZ will carry out the review of any Crown land up for disposal in the interim until a final policy process is decided on, State Owned Enterprises Minister Trevor Mallard and Land Information Minister David Parker said today.

"Under the ongoing interim process, departments and crown agencies will notify the chief executive of LINZ when considering the disposal of land that meets the definition of "sensitive land" under the Overseas Investment Act, or that has the value of $1 million or more," Trevor Mallard said.

The LINZ chief executive will assess the land and notify the relevant minister, the Minister of Land Information and the Minister for State Owned Enterprises. The criteria for the assessment are:

Conservation, recreational, ecological, and biodiversity value of the land

Heritage value and historical ownership of the land

Cultural significance of the land to groups other than the Crown

Potential value to the community if retained in Crown ownership

Location of the land in relation to scenery such as the coastline

Any wider public interest considerations specific to that piece of land

Land is exempt where the proposed sale had progressed to the point as at March 12 where there was a binding legal obligation for the Crown to continue with its disposal. The interim process is in place until the wider review of the land disposal process has been carried out and reported to Cabinet, Trevor Mallard said.

Cabinet has also agreed to the scope for this review, as follows:

Develop elements of "wider national interest" to be considered when agencies are disposing of land

Define "disposal" so it encompasses a range of possible transactions

Identify land held that may attract wider national interest considerations

Investigate existing policies and processes and assess them against the aim of allowing for sensitive land to remain in Crown hands

Assess options for improvements to the current processes with minimal adverse effect of the current autonomy, accountability and performance requirements of Crown entities, SOEs, departments and government objectives.