Super must be sustainable and fair to all Kiwis

Labour Party

Thursday 19 July 2012, 2:17PM

By Labour Party


Superannuation has to be made sustainable in the fairest possible way, says Labour Finance Spokesperson David Parker as new figures show one million people will be over 65 by the late 2020s.

"The Government has no credible way of paying the Super bill. Fair changes now mean no need for unfair changes later, such as cutting the rate of Super or making working Kiwis pay through the nose.

“Labour’s policy of steadily raising the superannuation age to 67 is prudent financial management and the fairest way of dealing with the pressures caused by the looming fact of a million people aged over 65.

"It is essential that we provide for older New Zealanders and are fair to younger New Zealanders.

"John Key and Bill English are nowhere to be seen on this issue. National’s head-in-the-sand attitude is because of a misspoken promise John Key made years ago. It’s time for John Key to do the right thing and join the retirement age debate – the one that Labour is leading.”