New Crown Research Institute Chair announced

Thursday 19 July 2012, 6:28PM

By Steven Joyce


Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce today announced that Landcare Research’s Deputy Chair Peter Schuyt has taken over as Chair following the retirement of Jo Brosnahan.

“Mr Schuyt is one of New Zealand’s most experienced directors and I look forward to working with him as the new Chair of Landcare Research,” Mr Joyce says.

“The Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) are in an exciting phase of their evolution as the Government continues to implement the recommendations of the CRI taskforce, as well as its own commitment to increasing activity in New Zealand’s research and innovation sector.”

“Ms Brosnahan, the outgoing Chair, has been an exceptional leader at Landcare Research, and she should take great pride in the progress the company has made under her stewardship.”

As part of the same appointment process two serving CRI directors have been promoted to Deputy Chair positions –Tania Simpson at Landcare Research, and Hon Ken Shirley at GNS Science.

In other new director appointments, Mr Joyce announced that Wellington-based company director Marion Cowden will join the Board of ESR; Queensland-based scientist Dr Chris Downs will join the Board of Landcare Research; Otago-based Professor Keith Hunter will join the Board of NIWA; and Wellington-based company director Jim Donovan will join the Board of Research and Education Advanced Network NZ Ltd (REANNZ).

In his capacity as the Minister for Economic Development Mr Joyce announced the new appointment of Auckland-based new venture investment expert Richard Hughes to the Board of the New Zealand Venture Investment Fund (NZVIF).

Mr Joyce thanked those directors retiring from their boards, and wished them well with their future endeavours.