Pak 'N' Save decision – No Appeal

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 24 July 2012, 4:24PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Queenstown Lakes District Council will not appeal the Environment Court decision to issue consent for a Pak ‘n’ Save supermarket to be developed at Frankton Flats, QLDC Mayor Vanessa van Uden said.

The consent was granted by Judge Jon Jackson after Foodstuffs appealed an earlier QLDC Commissioner decision to decline the original resource consent application.

“Council has spent the last decade investing considerable resources into the strategy and planning for the Frankton Flat Areas. In this case the Commissioners made the right decision with regard to the fact that the selected site is zoned rural general but the Environment Court was able to take more of an overview and this Council respects the Court’s decision,” Mayor van Uden said.

The Council and the community now needed to understand what implications the decision might have for other Frankton Flat planning matters and infrastructure, in particular with regards Plan Change 19, which remains before the Environment Court.

“Out of this decision we will be wanting to establish planning certainty around future use of the area. In particular we will need to look at whether we have adequate provision for industrial-zoned land,” she said.

The Council discussed the matter at an extraordinary (additional to schedule) meeting at Queenstown this afternoon.