Tickets on sale for Asian business awards

Wednesday 25 July 2012, 2:22PM

By Hastings District Council



Tickets are now on sale for a gala event which will honour Hawke’s Bay based Asian entrepreneurs, professionals and community organisations.

The ‘Asians in the Bay’ awards evening is to be held in the Shakespeare Room of the Hawke’s Bay Opera House on Saturday August 25th, 2012. Awards will be presented in three categories: outstanding entrepreneurs; practising professionals; and outstanding community groups.

Organiser Leah Burling says “The event is designed to recognise the potential and unique identity of the Asian community. The awards will honour businesses and individuals who are making a difference in the community and organisations which have helped promote their own particular culture.”

Leah Burling says “It is important that businesses and individuals recognise the importance of these awards and ensure they have been nominated.”

Nomination forms are available from and entries will remain open until Friday August 3rd, 2012.

Tickets to the awards function at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House on Saturday August 25th can be purchased from Ticketek.

The ‘Asians in the Bay’ awards are proudly supported by Settlement Support, Creative Communities New Zealand and Hastings District Council.