High Hazards Unit shuts down development areas at Solid Energy's Spring Creek Mine
The High Hazards Unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has put a prohibition notice on development operations at Solid Energy’s Spring Creek mine on the West Coast following a serious injury accident there in the early hours of today.
Development areas are those areas in an underground coal mine being prepared for mining.
“A miner was hit by falling coal, and the inspectors who went to the mine today are concerned that Solid Energy’s management of strata (or seam) stability in the mine is not at an acceptable level,” says Brett Murray, General Manager of the High Hazards Unit.
“Our inspectors believe the accident had the potential to have been fatal, and they have shut down work in development areas pending a proper assessment of strata stability.
“I will be discussing this issue, and recent events at the company’s Huntly East mine with company senior management,” says Mr Murray.