Labour proposes improvements to lobbying bill

Labour Party

Wednesday 25 July 2012, 5:13PM

By Labour Party


The Labour Party says it supports in principle a Green Party bill designed to improve the transparency of lobbying around Parliament, but believes it can be made more workable.

Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says Labour is absolutely committed to increased transparency.

Charles Chauvel this afternoon tabled a Supplementary Order Paper (attached) proposing three changes to the Lobbying Disclosure Bill.

The first would exempt the community and voluntary sector, including unions, from the scope of the Bill, in response to concerns from community groups that the reporting requirements would prove a major burden.

Contacts between constituents and their MPs would also be excluded, as would advice from public servants.

“It’s important the public can have confidence that their MPs are above board in all their dealings with lobbyists, and the proposed changes would make the legislation more effective,” says Charles Chauvel.