John Key the only one who believes John Banks

Labour Party

Thursday 26 July 2012, 4:35PM

By Labour Party


It is no longer credible for John Key to keep John Banks on as a Minister in light of confirmation from police that he personally solicited at least $80,000 in donations but can’t seem to remember it, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“The police have confirmed that John Banks personally asked for these donations. He discussed them with the donors and even accepted a cheque for $15,000 in an envelope from the chief executive of Sky City.

“Yet he claims that he can’t remember any of that. That is simply not credible.

“Every New Zealander knows what’s gone on here even though the police can’t charge him.  John Banks has essentially escaped prosecution because he claims to have forgotten receiving any money. And John Key seems to think that’s okay. He is the only person still standing by John Banks.

“The Prime Minister’s so-called higher ethical standards are in tatters today. On the basis of his memory lapse alone, John Banks is not fit to serve as a Minister.

“John Key has handled this issue badly from the beginning. He failed to ask John Banks the hard questions about the donations, he refused to stand him down while the police were investigating and it now looks like he’ll continue to stand by him because he’s got off on a technicality.

“New Zealanders deserve better than that,” said David Shearer.