Website assisting New Zealand employers upgraded
Two upgraded tools designed to assist New Zealand businesses in their search for offshore talent have been launched in Wellington.
The New Zealand Now website and SkillFinder tool are two ways that Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is helping prospective skilled migrants to make the move to New Zealand and local businesses to get the skills they need to grow.
The New Zealand Now website has been a key information source for potential migrants keen to make the move to New Zealand for several years.
Stephen Dunstan INZ’s General Manager Settlement, Protection and Attraction says a series of redevelopments will make the website more user-friendly, and be able to target appropriate messages to visitors depending on where in the world they are viewing the site.
“The new site will allow for visitors to receive different messages whether they are in the United Kingdom or North America for example. These messages will be tailored to them and ensure New Zealand is being promoted to potential migrants in the most effective way.”
Visits to the website have increased significantly in recent months, with 60 percent more visitors browsing the site in June 2012 than in February 2012. Improvements to the registration process have also seen the number of people signing up for more information increase by over 500% for the same period. Both visitor numbers and registrations are expected to grow further as a result of the new redevelopments.
Mr Dunstan says the redeveloped SkillFinder tool will assist New Zealand employers looking to employ skilled migrants, connecting them with the increasing number of people from around the world that are showing interest in bringing their talents to New Zealand.
“The upgrade to the SkillFinder tool will allow employers to more effectively search for skilled migrants registered with New Zealand Now and they will receive a more accurate picture of the potential audience available to them.”
“Deciding to move to another country is a big decision and we believe these changes to the New Zealand Now website will be welcomed by potential migrants and help them with their decision making and potential transition to New Zealand.”