Broken promise covered up by weasel words

Labour Party

Friday 27 July 2012, 2:15PM

By Labour Party


National’s latest ‘make it up as they go’ policy for local government is nothing more than a blatant broken promise, says Labour’s spokesperson for Local Government, Annette King.

Minister for Local Government, David Carter has announced that he has commenced work on a District Health Board type governance structure to replace the current commissioners administering Environment Canterbury.

“The people of Canterbury were told by Government it was a temporary move until local elections take place in October 2013 at the latest,” Annette King said.

DHBs have seven elected members and up to four appointed members, with the Government also appointing the chair and deputy.  Their funding comes from the Government and E-Can’s elected members were dismissed by the Government in 2009.

“Some form of democracy is not what was promised by Nick Smith, the then Minister for Local Government.

“Nick Smith went so far as to say, ‘The explicit intent is for the Commissioner to withdraw and to be replaced by elected representatives as soon as their task is achieved and the present systematic issues are resolved’.

“The Government is intending to use Parliamentary time to pass legislation for one council to restrict local democracy, when the right approach is to give the Commissioners time to put the organisation back on a firm footing. 

“The Bill currently before Parliament gives the Minister the ability to delay local council elections beyond October 2013.  Why isn’t Mr Carter using that provision?

“Local Government should be very wary of the latest move by the Government to take control from locally elected representatives,” said Annette King.