Adventure Activities Regulations: Interim list of approved safety auditors released

Department of Labour

Monday 30 July 2012, 3:54PM

By Department of Labour


An interim list of approved audit providers has been released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The Adventure Activities regulations require all adventure activity operators providing activities designed to deliberately expose participants to a risk of serious harm, to undergo a safety audit by a recognised auditor and be registered by the end of 2014.

A list of auditor providers whose safety audits will be accepted under the new registration scheme, if they are completed by 31 December 2012 and the operator has notified the Ministry, can be found on the Ministry’s Labour Group website.

Tracy Mellor, General Manager Business, Process and Innovation for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Labour Group, says the Ministry is taking a staged approach to registration.

“Recognising certain existing safety audits is part of the transition to the new scheme and should allay some concerns about the additional costs that obtaining a new audit would impose.”

“Operators who have completed an audit from one of these approved auditors by 31 December 2012 will be exempt from having to obtain a new audit for up to the period of the validity of their audits, or three years, whichever is the earlier.”

The Ministry wants to recognise the existing level of voluntary safety auditing within the sector. “We estimate that more than half the adventure activity operators eligible for the registration scheme already have a safety audit in order to get a concession to operate on public conservation land.”

The Ministry will be undertaking further work to determine which safety auditing providers will be recognised to provide safety audit certificates for the purposes of the regulations beyond 31 December 2012, and will make a further announcement later in the year.

Any safety auditors who would like to be considered for inclusion on the list, can provide details to