Green Party welcomes 'frame' concept for Christchurch central city

Green Party

Monday 30 July 2012, 7:04PM

By Green Party


The 'frame' concept for Christchurch's central city is a strong basis for a more sustainable city, the Green Party said today.

Christchurch's central city blueprint released this evening by the Christchurch Central Development Unit has been broadly welcomed by the Green Party.

"The Government's purchase of land to the south and east of central Christchurch to 'frame' the city's central core is sensible and a good move towards rebuilding Christchurch as a modern green city," Green Party Christchurch spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.

"More people living in and close to a more compact central city will help create a lively and vital city, enable more efficient public transport links, and help reduce urban sprawl.

"The proposed Otakaro-Avon River Park is a good start for a green city. A park which included more of the Red Zone, once homeowners have settled with the Government, would enhance the city to sea connection.

"The proposed sports stadium should be low priority compared with wider community needs such as core infrastructure and public transport hubs.

"The devil will of course be in the detail - particularly the rules around building development, controls on big box retail and the opportunities for public input."

Last week the Green Party called for the CERA laws to be reviewed in light of a High Court ruling on the misuse of Ministerial powers.

"We think the CERA law needs to be reviewed to allow for more public involvement moving forward now the plans have been developed. We all need to have opportunities to contribute to decisions about how new buildings and facilities shape the city," said Ms Sage.