Carbon farming on Taranaki agenda

Taranaki Regional Council

Tuesday 13 November 2007, 4:02PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Land owners who can’t yet see the carbon for the trees will have an opportunity to get up to speed on emissions trading and forest sink initiatives at a Taranaki seminar at the end of November.

The seminar, at Uruti Hall starting at 1pm on 29 November, will feature expert presenters on the Government’s Permanent Forest Sink Initiative and the newly announced Emissions Trading Scheme.

The event is the first of three being organised by the Taranaki Regional Council. It will be followed by similar seminars in Central and South Taranaki in February next year.

The Council’s Director-Operations, Rob Phillips, says the concept of carbon farming is a new one and offers land owners – particularly those on erosion-prone hill country – another income opportunity.

The seminars will offer guidance through a maze of new Government schemes and regulations on the issue.

Presenters will include Patrick Harwinkels, the Minstry of Agriculture and Forestry Manager for the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative, and John Dentice of Kyoto Forests of NZ. Taranaki Regional Council Land Management staff will also outline the services the Council can provide.

“We’re aiming to present as much information as possible on the Government’s climate change initiatives, so that farmers and other land owners know how to take best advantage of schemes like the Forest Sink Initiative, emissions trading, the Afforestation Grant Scheme and other options.

“There’ll also be a barbecue and refreshments to round it all off.”