Take Note Pahiatua scoops first place at annual awards

Wednesday 1 August 2012, 12:10PM

By PPR New Zealand


From left to right: Paper Plus Group Chief Executive, Rob Smith; Take Note Pahiatua owner-operator Katrina Windleborne; Paper Plus Group Retail Manager, Simon Harkness.
From left to right: Paper Plus Group Chief Executive, Rob Smith; Take Note Pahiatua owner-operator Katrina Windleborne; Paper Plus Group Retail Manager, Simon Harkness. Credit: PPR New Zealand


Take Note Pahiatua has been awarded the Take Note Community and Presentation award at the annual Paper Plus Group gala awards dinner, held at the Pullman Hotel in Auckland last night.

The store took out the top spot on the podium, ahead of all other Take Note stores nationwide, receiving their award at the black tie function in front of more than 400 Paper Plus Group staff and suppliers from around the country.

Store owner Katrina Windleborne is hugely passionate about giving back to a community that has given the store so much over the years.

“The team and I feel so privileged to be an integral part of the Pahiatua community. Our loyal customers are our friends and neighbours and, as a result, we have a responsibility to muck in and get involved with local community activities and initiatives,” says Katrina.

“We aim to give back in whatever way we can, whether that’s through small donations to local school activities or larger, more active, sponsorships of community events,” says Katrina.

In addition to Take Note Pahiatua’s unprecedented community involvement, the award also acknowledges how the store presents itself to the public. Take Note Pahiatua has proven itself as having the most immaculate store, something the team strives to achieve on a daily basis.

Paper Plus’ Group CEO, Rob Smith, says “Presenting the Take Note Community and Presentation award to the Pahiatua store is highly appropriate. It acknowledges their hard work throughout the community, as well as their passionate team, who are clearly so proud of their store and its presentation. It’s my absolute pleasure to award this to Katrina.”