Apply Online for Council Funding

Wellington City Council

Wednesday 1 August 2012, 4:34PM

By Wellington City Council



From 1 August 2012, you can apply for Council funding online.

If you're a regular applicant, you'll be glad to know it takes less time to apply after the first time - you will just need to log in, check your details are correct, and apply for a grant.

The new online system will also speed up assessments and you'll be able to report back to us online.

To accommodate the move, we've had to change our closing date from the usual 31 July to 31 August for the General Grants round - for this time only. The Creative Communities Local Funding Scheme, which usually closes on 31 August, will not be affected.

There are no paper alternatives to the online funding system, so if you don't have access to a computer, call into your local library and use one of theirs.

Most grants are funded by rates and go towards community projects. Funding is provided each year for initiatives that contribute to the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of Wellington residents.

Public Information Sessions

We're running the following information sessions on Council funding over the next two weeks:

  • Wednesday, 1 August: 6.30 - 8.00pm, Newlands Community Centre, Batchelor Street
  • Thursday, 2 August: 10.00am - 1.00pm and 6.00 - 9.00pm, Wellington City Council offices, 101 Wakefield Street
  • Monday 13 August: 6.30 - 8.00pm, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna school hall, 4 Falkirk Avenue, Seatoun.


To book for these information sessions, email:

If you have any questions, phone Mark Farrar or Phil Railton-Jacks on (04) 499 4444.

To apply for Council funding, see:
