Memorial park will be fitting tribute

Labour Party

Tuesday 7 August 2012, 1:29PM

By Labour Party


Government support for undergrounding Buckle Street means a memorial park, a fitting tribute to New Zealanders who have served overseas and a wonderful public space for Wellingtonians, will finally see the light of day, Wellington Central Labour MP Grant Robertson says.

"I am delighted that the Government has agreed to fund the New Zealand Memorial Park with the undergrounding of Buckle St. This was the vision that Helen Clark first articulated in 2004 when she promoted a park in the wake of opening the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

“It is great that the project is finally coming to fruition. This precinct will become a place for people to remember and reflect on the service given by New Zealanders. Taking the traffic out of the area is the appropriate thing to do.

"As well, it will be a wonderful public space for Wellingtonians -  in particular the Mt Cook community - so the support of the Wellington City Council is very welcome.

“As the local MP it has been frustrating to witness the project’s lack of progress. Over the last four years I have campaigned to see the creation of a park that serves both a nationwide purpose and supports the development of the local community. The announcement today achieves that goal.

“Labour will work with the Government to see the park completed in time for the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings in 2015, while also ensuring that the local community is consulted and involved in the project."

"It is important to note that the decision to underground Buckle St for the Park is separate from decisions on the roads around the Basin Reserve. As I have stated before I oppose the building of a flyover by the Basin Reserve, and I will continue to promote better solutions to traffic flow in that area.

" A memorial park will be a landmark in Wellington. It will recognise those who have served New Zealand, and will be a place for New Zealanders and visitors alike to reflect and remember. Today's announcement is welcome and as local MP I will continue to support this long held goal become a reality,” Grant Robertson said.