Kiwi Social Media Start-up Celebrates First Year Success

Impact PR

Monday 13 August 2012, 10:02PM

By Impact PR


One of New Zealand’s only home-grown social media sites has celebrated its first birthday with 147% growth in sign-ups each month.

Kiwi start-up has attracted an unprecedented following, with its unique concept of asking users a different question each day of the year, tapping into their creative side and sense of the world around them. On the same day in subsequent years, the same question is asked again.

Founder Ben Liebert says the site has appealed to so many due to two key factors – simplicity and context.

“ is extremely simple. The only proactive decision people need to make on is the initial one to visit the site and sign up – for free. Following this, they are sent a daily email with the question and they simply reply to answer,” says Liebert.

Social media consultant and director at Mosh Jon Emile Randles says the concept is an interesting one, in that it captures a moment in time and holds onto it for browsers to look back on.

“While there is a plethora of social networks out there storing your photographic memories, focuses on your thoughts and feelings,” says Randles.

“As we get busier and busier online consuming information at a frantic pace, actually encourages that micro-pause to reflect for a few minutes on a question that allows the user to tap below the surface of likes, tweets and cat pictures!” says Randles.

Creator Liebert says came along at the right time in terms of the greater social media landscape. People feel overwhelmed by sites like Facebook and Twitter, which constantly demand new updates and the projection of an exciting and interesting life.

“Everything you do on these sites is about interacting with other people and it can become quite stressful. This new wave of social media sites like Pinterest and are different in that they place the focus back on the user and participation is for you, not everybody else”.

According to Liebert, for the past year, people have used the site as a type of self-investment, a unique concept that Liebert is proud to have created. 

“For two minutes a day, people can record a snapshot of themselves which they may not think about next year, but which they’ll absolutely treasure in 20 years, just like a regular diary. But what I’m really excited to see is fifty years from now, when people are comparing their questions not just with themselves, but with their parents and grandparents before them. There is also the added benefit of being able to share your answers interactively and talk about them,” says Liebert.

To celebrate the birthday milestone Liebert will 'unlock' the site for 24 hours and allows users (new and existing) to answer any question, from any day.

“Usually, you must answer a question within three days of its publish date, so this will be great for existing users to catch up on ones they've missed, and for new users to catch up on the past year so they can hit the ground running!” says Liebert.

To try for yourself, check out