Green Paper submissions released

Tuesday 14 August 2012, 12:03PM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has released a summary of submissions to the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children and over 600 full submissions from various organisations.

“When I began this process in July last year it was the first time in 14 years that a Government had brought a Green Paper to the New Zealand public,” says Mrs Bennett.

“The Green Paper itself was written to spark debate among the public and professionals and was followed up by unique and truly open consultation,” she said.

Thousands of people took part in the Green Paper consultation through 68 public meetings from Kaitaia to Invercargill and by making submissions via mail, email, online surveys, and even on Facebook.

This process resulted in almost 10,000 submissions made by non-government organisations, community groups and members of the public including over 2,000 children.

“I was astounded at the level of public debate both online and at the 17 Green Paper meetings I fronted around the country,” says Mrs Bennett.

“New Zealanders saw the Green Paper as an opportunity to make a real difference for their community and their contributions were passionate and insightful,” she said.

“These submissions have been a vital resource for the writing of the White Paper and I felt that it was important to make some publically available.”

All Green Paper submissions were read, analysed and collated as officials and experts across government agencies developed the White Paper which is to be released this October.

A summary of the Green Paper submissions and over 600 full submissions from non-government and other organisations can be found at: