Front-line cops carry the can for budget cuts

Labour Party

Tuesday 14 August 2012, 2:48PM

By Labour Party


Front-line police officers have been forced to sign up to a pay deal which will see them effectively take a pay cut because of Government budget cuts, says Labour’s Police Spokesperson Kris Faafoi.

“Both Police management and the Police Association were put in the position of negotiating a deal that was always going to have a negative effect on our front-line force.

“The three-year deal will allow for pay rises of just 1% for front-line officers in years 2 and 3. With inflation expected to run well above that, it means hardworking police officers have effectively agreed to take a pay cut.

“The negotiations may be over but they have caused genuine upset with many officers feeling like they are being stretched in terms of time, resources and now their wages.

“The Government tried to lay blame with front-line officers for the pressures on the Police budget with scare tactics ahead of negotiations. Now, our cops are being lumped with a pay cut.

“Under this Government, the thin blue line is getting even thinner. That’s not right or fair. Our Police officers deserve better,” said Kris Faafoi.