Cyber bullying must be dealt with intelligently

Labour Party

Wednesday 15 August 2012, 5:16PM

By Labour Party


Cyber-bullying must be addressed so that the internet can be a more enjoyable community for everyone to be involved in, says Labour’s Communications spokesperson Clare Curran.

“Cyber bullying is all too common in the virtual world, and more needs to be done to address the problem.  It is important people, and children in particular, are free to enjoy the internet without fear of bullying and intimidation.

“Labour will look closely at the Law Commission’s report and consider its recommendations. We are fully supportive of the work Net Safe does, and are committed to finding workable solutions to help protect people online.

“But at the same time, we must guard against heavy-handed attempts at online regulation. Historically, the internet has proved hard to control through legislation and we must proceed carefully.

“It is essential that while we deal with online issues we also protect the spirit of a collaborative and open internet,” says Clare Curran.