More work needed on EEZ Bill

Green Party

Thursday 16 August 2012, 1:44PM

By Green Party


"There are now so many amendments to the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Bill that it needs to go back to select committee for more scrutiny," Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.

"It is important Parliament gets this crucial piece of environmental legislation right and passes a robust and enduring law to provide certainty for all parties.

"While the Government has improved some parts and weakened others, it is still a fundamentally flawed Bill that will not protect and preserve our oceans or meet our international obligations.

"The Government's changes have been portrayed as strengthening the Bill. While some are positive, many are simply green spin from the Minister for the Environment Amy Adams.

"Transition measures for the oil and mineral industries are a sop to the industry and show the reason for this Bill is to facilitate more risky extractive activities.

"The outcome of transitional provision changes could see deep sea oil drillers or miners able to undertake activities without a consent, which is concerning.

"There is a resource rush on our economic zone, it is vitally important we put in place rules to protect the best interest of New Zealand.

"The Green Party is working to try to improve the Bill with a number of amendments, including to the purpose clause, climate change and Treaty provisions, and to prohibit risky deep sea oil drilling."